Thursday 26 June 2014


On the A level Photography Course at City College Norwich, we are lucky enough to have some excellent facilities that are all available for students to use through out their 2 years with us. It is important however, to remember that the excellent and creative work  made here is down to the experimental nature of our students and the course that is built around them.

We have many DSLRs that are available to loan to students for up to a week. We also have telephoto, wide angle, macro and portrait lenses as well as countless filters and other creative accessories.

Digital Production
All computers on campus are loaded with the latest version of Adobe Photoshop and the Photography classroom is no exception. We also have high quality inkjet printers, scanners and a quick colour laser printer for journal work. As students at CCN we also have access to the professional large format printing (up to A0+), which is on-site.

Film Cameras
Part of the photography course requires you to use 35mm film. In order to cater for this we have plenty of 35mm film cameras for loan. As well as this we have a Pro level Mamiya Medium format camera for students to use.

We have 2 darkrooms that are specifically for the use of A level students. This means that they are available to any A level student at any time of the day, allowing you time to develop your skills and technique at your own speed.
The first darkroom is the film processing room. Here we can develop both black and white and colour film.

The film processing room.

We also have the paper developing room which is equipped with 8 Opemus 6a B&W enlargers with built in contrast filters. With these we are able to enlarge both 35mm and medium format film.
The paper developing room.

One of the 8 enlarging work-stations.

Studio equipment
We have a wide selection of portable studio lights such as Tungsten still lights, Cool lights, Flash units, Soft boxes, Diffuser units, Snoods as well as reflectors and studio backdrops. On top of this we also have access to the studio backdrop, complete with green screen, that has been installed in the drama studio and all the ceiling lights that are a permanent fixture there.

Just some of the portable studio lights.

Whilst on the A level course at City College many of your consumables (within reason) will be provided for. This includes photo paper for both the darkroom and printers, darkroom chemicals and film.

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